Archives of Travel

Two-Moon Journey, Coming Up Soon

Okay, so I know not all the world will see it, but I am eager for lots of folks to meet 11 year-old Simu-quah, Kinosha her cousin, and all the family. It’s a hard journey they are on, forced to leave their beautiful Twin Lakes village and march across 4 states to a new home they never wanted.

Hey folks, it’s winter

Sed ac nisi nec dui lacinia ornare. Phasellus sed mattis lorem. Praesent metus sem, gravida sit amet ornare a, rhoncus sit amet mi. Nam ac nisi elit. Vivamus congue sollicitudin mollis.

First sail on the new monohull

Mauris at bibendum ante. Vivamus turpis elit, rhoncus vel felis id, pulvinar sodales justo. Proin ante ex, molestie sit amet molestie in, volutpat ut nunc. Nam eu quam porta, volutpat nulla eget.

A train to remember

Aliquam laoreet fringilla tellus vel semper. Praesent eu mi sed urna ultrices tincidunt. Praesent augue diam, commodo sit amet euismod at, ullamcorper eget massa.