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List Style
Soaring with The Eagles
Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted a blog, though many of you have been following my adventures in Alaska via Facebook. I just arrived home from this amazing trip Thursday night, and my mind and heart are still filled with vast and startling images of Denali and Kenai Peninsula.
Analog has not dead yet
Sed ac nisi nec dui lacinia ornare. Phasellus sed mattis lorem. Praesent metus sem, gravida sit amet ornare a, rhoncus sit amet mi. Nam ac nisi elit. Vivamus congue sollicitudin mollis.
Masonry Style
Two-Moon Journey, Coming Up Soon
7 years ago
Writing in the San Juans: A New Start
7 years ago
Soaring with The Eagles
7 years ago
Two Moon Journey, Coming Soon!
8 years ago
A train to remember
9 years ago
Analog has not dead yet
9 years ago
Writing in the San Juans: A New Start
11 years ago
Soaring with The Eagles
13 years ago
Opening the Gift
13 years ago
Timeline Style
Ideas–Sounds from my Heart
May 26, 2006 As a writer of stories for children, I often have the opportunity to go into classrooms and talk to kids about writing. “Where do you get your ideas?” they all ask. From things that really happen, from my own childhood, from watching you, I tell them. But what I often think about, […]
Recurring Sounds!
A Sound from My Heart May 30, 2006 As I write, whether it’s a short story for my Pockets series, or a chapter for my current novel, Two Moon Journey, I find recurring themes weaving in and out, some big, some small. (My writing group accuses me of putting chocolate chip cookies in almost every […]
And A Little Child Shall Lead You
June 15 I’ve just spent a lovely week with my daughter Deb and our 19 month old grandson, Weston, visiting from Santa Fe. Weston is learning to talk, and it’s amazing what he does with his somewhat limited vocabulary. He tells entire stories with just four words. “Ball?” he says to me. Ever the compliant […]
The Write Weather
June 26, 2006 It’s hot, hot, hot outside, but I am comfortably cool! I’m downstairs, hunkered next to the computer, with the tiniest breeze wafting through my office window. It’s the right time to write! Okay, I admit it, when our young adult son zoomed by an hour ago to pick up his swim shorts […]
Sounds from my friend’s heart
July 21, 2006 We’re sizzling here, in more ways than one! It’s 90 degrees in our house right now, and we Northwesterners wilt once we hit 80. (I know, no sympathy from the rest of the country, where many of you have temps well over 100 degrees today. ) But the REAL sizzle, the wonderful […]
Half-Full Moon. Half Cupful of Wisdom
August 2 A beautiful perfect half-moon as I walked a few minutes ago, and the faint fragrance of wild roses, remembrances of long ago summer evenings. Tonight it’s cool, even a little breezy, but I’m still thinking of a red-hot evening two weeks ago, when I got to listen to Katherine Grace Bond read from […]