Archives of #life

Soaring with The Eagles

Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted a blog, though many of you have been following my adventures in Alaska via Facebook. I just arrived home from this amazing trip Thursday night, and my mind and heart are still filled with vast and startling images of Denali and Kenai Peninsula.

The bluish shade of gray

Mauris at bibendum ante. Vivamus turpis elit, rhoncus vel felis id, pulvinar sodales justo. Proin ante ex, molestie sit amet molestie in, volutpat ut nunc. Nam eu quam porta, volutpat nulla eget.

Ideas always start on a paper

Sed ac nisi nec dui lacinia ornare. Phasellus sed mattis lorem. Praesent metus sem, gravida sit amet ornare a, rhoncus sit amet mi. Nam ac nisi elit. Vivamus congue sollicitudin mollis.

Are you ready to dance ?

Duis sagittis risus sit amet sapien facilisis, ac semper ex fermentum. Phasellus dolor erat, venenatis id scelerisque ac, dignissim id risus. Proin metus quam, pulvinar et faucibus.